Friday, October 23, 2009

Dark Green Short Poofy Dress


exhibition project curated by ...
Marta Papini
Stefania Marconi
work of

Many elements of the city of Bologna escape those who live it every day , maybe because they are discounted or simply hidden from view . This is the case of inland water, but many discrete, flow Felsineo underground, emerging from time to time, without a precise planning function. The historic center of Bologna is now more than a century of theater that outsourcing phenomenon common to many urban centers, which gradually dispersed and obscured the glorious industrial past - and industry - the city. The link between productive activities, in particular the production and trade of silk screens, pride of the town in the centuries from the fourteenth to the nineteenth, and waterways, today mostly tombs, which fed a hundred and spinning mills, was decisive for the economic and social history of Bologna. A peculiarity of the art the last decades is the close intertwining work / public / site, intended as a physical space rather than passive and indifferent artistic intervention, but interacting with it. The art so agreement with its practices and its voltage ibridazionali multimedia to inhabit the space, extends toward the viewer and is necessary to it in the places of everyday life, without giving him a choice. material on which to model and interact with is the real space, and relationships that converge there, ie the geographical location and the target communities thought capable, through a series references, to act indirectly through its history, symbolic content and the specific memory of the place. The effect is so artistic intervention generally unsettling , forcing the inhabitants themselves to read with new eyes the context territorial belonging. Often mistakenly regarded as the panacea (low cost) to address emergencies that characterize the evolution of cities, public art instead task of pointing out situations, using the processes of disclosure and directly involving the 'party potential (see Gianuizzi, 2008). Within this theoretical framework, the underground Bologna, Bologna the water mills and old, now destroyed, fully part in the series of places "indifferent" to citizens. Through the raid public art landmarks emerge of economic and social history of their city, as well as the old urban , thus enabling the recognition and appreciation . At four selected artists, brought together into one collective Mentelocale, was asked to intervene in the public space in so that it becomes clear the difference between the present situation and the historical through an intervention that question over and do the occasional passer , thus turning them into the audience. Individual contributions can not be separated dall'unitarietà of the project, which has as its ultimate goal the rediscovery and reappraisal of a common heritage of the city.
The project involves the rediscovery of some places where once
produced the silk spinning five (no longer existing) selected among the hundreds reported
from ancient maps and mentioned in the records of past centuries
land. Five
sound installations that reproduce the sound of running water in the basement, turn on the waning of the sun
to coincide with the decline of the hustle and bustle, remember
night of old activities. The locations are indicated by five
graphic icons which illustrate, by analogy, the life cycle of the silkworm silk
and indirectly the production cycle that follows.
The installed location is divided into five stages: from egg deposition
by the butterfly cocoon until done, from which you extracted the
silk filament, which was then treated using the driving force
water. To complement the project includes the construction of postcards
distruibuite-driving in places of strong
passage of the city, as well as a blog devoted to the intervention.
conceptual starting point is the fascination and curiosity that inspires
the anatomy of the hidden canals and the history of the silk mills,
formerly located along the banks of the Rhine and Cavaticcio channels,
now covered by road, crossing the district today
identify - no coincidence - as the Arts Factory
The project aims to be educational in intent, let alone
accurate philological reconstruction, but will build a network of viable suggestions
that cause displacement in the user
and at the same time they want to spark a discussion.
The five facilities are to be interpreted as evidence that polysemous
, boosting eyesight and hearing, enhance what is unseen and not
you feel, because destroyed over time, in the case of mills, or because
basement, in the case of inland of water. The report
essential to place the impossibility
for the project to be exported to other sites or contexts: This determines
the uniqueness and the most common
clear distance from the idea of \u200b\u200bartistic intervention in urban space.
points installation five (as per map),
selected near the site of the mills.
The area affected by the work is identified with a portion of the district
Porto, close to the Manufacture of Arts
The complex installations for a period of a month.


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